Saturday 17 September 2011

Evening the Equation

Well, I'm a college student. I cook my own food. And sometimes, that seems like an awful lot of work for the few mouthfuls of food I will consume in a matter of minutes. Worse still is the mountain of dishes so easily accumulated in the making of such food. So, this blog is a) my comic relief from everyday life, and b) examples for anyone else in a similar situation - cooking food with limited resources, selective varieties of food, insufficient funding, small kitchens, non-enjoyment of dishes by the tub, etc. Enjoy!


  1. This blog is adorable!! I can't wait to hear all about what you're cooking whilst you're in a college far, far away. And you should post tons of pictures, too!!!

  2. Well - we'll see if my camera and my computer ever get back on speaking terms. As of now, that is a questionable feat. I'll try :)

  3. And so it begins....................................
    You may regret making this blog public. :D

    (destructive organs)

    P.S:At least you can cook your own food! My attempts would just be an epic failure.

  4. Thanks for making this public. Just one question though. Are you gonna do a better job of keeping up with this one than you do with your other one? :D
    (I don't care whether you're at college or not, you're cooking is better than any one of us guys any day of the week. :)

  5. well, presumably I eat more than I do many other things I would normally blog about (like have philosophical insights, introspective reflections, etc,) so it is, in fact, quite possible!
