Saturday 24 September 2011

Chicks 'n' Chips ... and Sandwiches


After a morning of shopping with my aunt, I return to Lambein loaded down with bags of food at around 11:15 and in serious need of a meal.


Lunch is in order, since my breakfast consisted of a handful of yogurt-covered raisins (net disaster in that case was also about zero - thirty seconds to open the package and grab them, a small amount of nutrition in return). Together with my roommate, I decide that lunch will be chicken nuggets and potato wedges.

Battle plan:

Searching through my sundry parcels and totes, I note with disfavor that my packing list apparently discriminated against paprika. Cumin and chili powder are drafted, and being duly enlisted into my frying pan, proceed to provide adequate reinforcement. A combination of flour, salt and pepper, Parmesan cheese, bread crumbs, milk, cumin, chili powder coat both the chicken nuggets and potato wedges, and the potatoes are put in the oven to bake. Operating under the conviction that the chicken will take significantly less time to cook, since it will meet its match in my frying pan, I begin peeling apples while waiting. The decision to make apple cobbler was, I believe, precipitated by a trip to a local Amish store yesterday at which I bought a large quantity of apples for a small quantity of money. Some of the apples still had leaves on them, which I also take as indication that they did, in fact, come from trees (and not the dubious origins of a questionable grocery store produce section). Apples peeled, cored and sliced (in that order), I put the bowl on a shelf and begin frying the chicken nuggets in olive oil.


Chicken, potatoes, and (baking while we wash up the dishes afterwards) apple cobbler - a tasty meal even by homecooked standards, and out of this world for college students.


The chicken turned out remarkably well, and finished at roughly the same time as the potatoes - strategic win. This notable occurrence happened around 14:00 - nearly THREE HOURS after I came home and decided to cook. That was a decisive loss. They tasted good - all's well. The finished product fed me and my roommate - if you ask me, that's a lot of work for two plates of food. On the one hand, it was my lunch, and I did get to eat. On the other hand, my plan had been to do homework for most of today, and three hours was a chunk of time I could ill-afford.


Very large chunk of time, not much food resulting, very hungry by the time it was done, lots of dishes, did I mention it took a terribly long time?


Delicious food ... um ... it smelled good? And did I mention it was tasty?

Net Disaster - immense! Failure! I was in eminent danger of getting sent home in disgrace from the battlefield!

However ...

This evening, I was feeling hungry (about the time I sat down to blog about food and cooking and eating in general). So, I made a sandwich and ate it. It took roughly 45 seconds to make, I tainted but one knife in the process, and it was good. So, my day? One somewhat-gourmet, delicious, time consuming, and labor-intensive meal, paired against a quick, convenient, tasty and simple snack.


Net disaster = Zero


  1. I'm terribly proud of you, my dear :) You should start a culinary school :D
    And my hair is only turning gray because you were eating so late, not because I doubt that it was good food :) And I hate that you're sick, and I'm not there to pamper you!! However, I'm scheming up a plan for your half birhtday . . . ;)

  2. Are you gonna holler at me if I say something about the food again?

  3. Nope, you can comment if you want to - I understand your need to talk about food. After all, it's hard to stay alive without it :-) And it was pretty good, too!

  4. Okay thanks. Since you already said that it tasted good, I'll say that it looked good. At least, in mind's eye it looked good. It's kinda hard to imagine what theses things look like without any kind of PICTURES. (Not suggesting anything here.) :)

  5. Hunter - my camera and my computer are not on speaking terms as of right now ... if Twi was interested in fixing it, then maybe some pictures could be forthcoming ... (no suggestsions here, either, of course!!!!!)

  6. Wow I was late!
    but better late than never!
    good things come to those who wait!
    save the best for last!
    (okay maybe my input is not NEARLY that important)

    anyway, I must say that I sympathize with your dishes predicament after a successful campaign.
    (my heart goes out to all those who are tyrannically oppressed by the dish washing specter.
