Monday 9 April 2012


Dilemma: I'm back at Houghton after 'break', and hungry. I have no food made.

Abstract: I look through what I have, and decide to make blueberry scones (which will help out for the next few mornings, as well).

Battle plan: I put the ingredients in a bowl with water, mix well, and spread the olive oil on the cooking sheet. Then I drop 12 blobs of dough on the sheet, slide it into the oven, and leave to keep on unpacking.

Result: Not only did the whole floor smell good, I have 12 delicious scones.

Reflections: Coming back and making food was a wonderful idea. And my sinkmate appreciated it greatly, and told me things like 'you're wonderful' and 'that is one of the best things I have ever eaten', which are always nice to hear :p

Drawbacks: Dishes; 1 spatula, 1 mixing bowl, 1 measuring cup, 1 baking sheet, 1 spoon.

Positives: Food for the next few days, dorm now smells good, happy sinkmate.

Net Disaster = Zero

Note that we have already eaten some of them ;)


  1. Well...I can't say that they are the best things that I've ever eaten, but I can say that they look pretty good. :)

  2. They were pretty good - but no rave comments expected, since obviously you didn't try any :)

  3. Those look wonderful :) I'm so glad they turned out well!! And that's really not a bad amount of dishes :p
    Nice that you remembered that you have this blog ;)
    P.S. Would you ever consider taking off the word verification? Just wondering . . .

  4. ooh, I didn't realize I had that. I shall certainly take it off; I know just how annoying it is! :)
